A Govt Aided General Degree College
Affiliated to Vidyasagar University (NAAC Accredited)

Best Practice

Two best practices which have contributed to the achievement of the institutional objectives and / or contributed to the Quality improvement of the core activities of the college are given


  1. Title of the practice

           Farmers consultancy by Dept. of Agro Service, Botany and chemistry.




  1. a) To provide consultancy to the farmers especially of the surrounding area.
  2. b) To help the poor and uneducated farmers to solve problems related to cultivation.
  3. c) To make a meaningful contribution to social welfare.
  4. d) To establish a relationship between the college and the surrounding community.
  5. e) To make farmers aware about modern agricultural invention and motivate them to follow it.
  6. f) To encourage the farmers to cultivate scientifically.
  7. g) To encourage the farmers to test the soil of their agricultural land for proper use of the land .


 The Context

In 1998 this course was introduced in our college which was first in eastern India as well as in West Bengal. Our locality is an agriculture-based area. This course imports agricultural education in there practice. Most of the rural community students who have agricultural family background seek higher education in this college. Keeping this local need in mind, the college has introduced this B.Sc. Major course in Agro-Service. Previously the department has initiated sum training Programme for the community. Last year the college authority Plan for Farman‟s consultancy programme to facilitate both the community by providing expert advice and the students by using data gathered from the programme in teaching learning.


The Practice


The Agro Service department provides consultancy service to the farmers especially of the surrounding area to solve the problems related to cultivation. The teachers of the department or the external experts visiting the department give the useful suggestions to the farmers free of cost

every Wednesday and Saturday. The poor farmers who are in most cases in dark about modern scientific agricultural education including technology, are given information by experts in the field. They are kept abreast of latest findings about seeds technology, fertilizers and pesticides. At present our local area is Organic farming. The farmers are also made aware of alternative cultivation for financial gain. The most striking feature of the practice lies in the fact that the experience gathered during consultancy is utilized in classroom teaching. The farmers are also invited to the various Awareness programmes. Seminars of the department. They sometimes participate in the trainings organized by the department, like those in Pisciculture and Bee-Keeping. This course is being run from the year 1998 onwards successfully and fruitfully. The course is run with the help of funds from the UGC, the Government of West Bengal, and Vidyasagar University. It is run in collaboration with Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal. This university provides expertise in terms of employment consultation, project making, higher education, provide training in agri-clinic and agri – marketing under a Central Government scheme called MANAGE in Ramakrishna Mission, Narendrapur and BCKV Nadia.


Evidence of success.

If we go through the feedbacks of the farmers who came to the Agro Service department for consultancy, we can form an idea about the success of the effort. The farmers have given feedback that they have been immensely benefited by the department experts, many of them have participated in the seminars / training programmes organized by the department. Many villagers have been able to earn their livelihood after participating in the training. They have been self-employed.


Problems encountered and resources required problems

Laboratory, Library, and field practical facility are available but more and modern, up-to-date equipments and other facilities are necessary. The problem of non-availability of teachers for the subject is difficult to overcome.



  1. i) This is a self-financing course that can be brought under B.Voc programme of UGC that way, it can be turned into a government sponsored programme.
  2. ii) More financial support for improvement of infrastructure, field- practical & Laboratory –practical.


iii) More and more interactions with farmers, other government departments and collaboration with industry.

  1. iv) Government and non-government (company) projects related training or demonstration.



2 . Title of the Practice; 

     Cultivation of the History and Culture of Moyna in the department of History.



  1. To train the students in the study of history.
  2. ii) To make the students of the college and the general public aware of the heritage of Moyna.
  • To enable the students to uphold the history and heritage of Moyna.


 The Context: –

Moyna has a history which goes long back. Moynagarh is historically famous as it was the fort and residence of Raja “Lausen” of “ Dharma Mangal Kavya “. The dilapidated “Rajbari” and the “Parikha” (The protective ditch around the rampart) are still existent . The “Rasmela” on the occasion of “RasPurnima” in the Bengali month of “Agrahayan” is 455 years old .One of the remarkable features of “Rasmela” is the participation of people from both Hindu & Muslim communites in it . There are many ancient temples in different places of the area.


The Practice:


The teachers & students are involved in collecting books /documents /write ups related to the history and culture of Moyna and preserving them in museum day by day . The volume of the collection is on the arise . The department has already organized a Work shop on district heritage which was attended by Pranab Bahubalindra , formerly teacher of Tamralipta Mahavidlaya , now on the staff of the department of Bengali of our college and secretary , Tamralipta , Moynagarh, Mahisadal, Kashigore, Heritage committee as a resource person . We have a plan to undertake a project of beautification of the Rajbari compound in near future.


Evidence of Success :


The project has been undertaken recently. But we have already received acclamation from the scholars and teachers or persons related to the study of history and culture of Moyna. The students have been very much interested in the project.



Problems Encountered and Resource Required:

  1. i) Inadequacy of infrastructure.
  2. ii) Inadequacy of funds.

iii) Staff shortage.

Resources required:

  1. r) Enrichment of collection
  2. s) Permanent room
  3. t) Full time teacher
  4. u) Full time Non – teaching employee